
Please follow these rules, they apply to the blog, if you break one of them, you will be banned from the blog, if you are a blogger, you will be kicked off too. You will get a warning, second time, you will be suspended 2 weeks from posting, or off from the blog. 3rd time, you will not have the privilege to post! 4th time, you will be permanently banned off from the blog. 

- Do not curse on the blog, even when posting, or on the chatroll, a Mod that's assigned will catch you and ban you from the chatroll.

-Do not be rude/mean to other bloggers, as some people say; "Sometimes in life there is people you don't like, but you won't be working with them forever." Cooperate with each other. :)

-You can NOT, mention people's names in posts, only if it's necessary, if you're going to write a mean post about them because you don't like them, you can't. EX; You see someone cursing on the game, you can post their name so people will know to report them. BAD EX; Writing about them and posting rude comments so they get banned.

-If you have any questions/problems please contact the owner typed on the Blog Stats on the right side.

-Make sure to follow ALL the rules, to BLOGGERS; you will be given an assignment each month so you will be able to stay in the blog. You will have to post 6 posts to be able to stay in the blog again, if you don't you will be kicked out. This is so new people will have a chance to sign up! When it's time, I'll announce it!

- FOLLOW ALL RULES, Thank you :)

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